Akams Heating & Plumbing

Akams Heating & Plumbing

Inexpensive Ways to Free Up a Clogged Toilet When Your Plunger Doesn’t Work

There are few things in life around your home that are more inconvenient than a plugged up drain on your toilet; this is especially true if you did not notice your toilet was backed up until after you just got rid of last night’s dinner. You have...

HVAC Basics – Understanding How Your HVAC System Works

There are no more frequently found systems in homes that are used to heat and cool them than HVAC units. Yet surprisingly most people do not even have the faintest idea of how these systems work. There is a lot more too them than just flicking a switch...

Car Cooling and Geothermal Heating

A cooling system is a system that keeps the air cool and dry. Fluid is used to transfer heat from one place to another and is used in industries to cool down hot water before using it as a coolant. It has six main parts, namely: the engine, a radiator,...

Combat Indoor Air Pollution

Most people spend a lot of time in the comforts of their homes at any particular time of the day. These days indoor air quality is a must since it brings up some concerns. It is said that air pollution is more likely to have higher rates found indoor c...

High Dampness and Its Effects

High dampness can make you feel either hot and sticky or cool and sticky and make your home smell a bit strange too. When we cut down the temperature of the air and invest in cooling to fight that “sticky” feeling, the results are “co...

How to Troubleshoot a Furnace

Working around furnaces is not for everybody. Doing regular system maintenance can help you avoid these issues, but the time will come when even the most efficient furnace will break down. The most common problem is a dirty filter. issues concerning t...

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